Q&A: Radley Muller Talks Photography, Real Estate Services, and Building His Business

Radley Muller Photography is a full-service photography studio based in Bellingham, Washington. Photographer and founder Radley Muller brings over 30 years of experience to offer services ranging from business headshots and wedding shoots to family portraits and high-quality real estate photos and videos. 

Muller began working as a professional photographer in 1989 and holds a Fellow of Photography degree from the Professional Photographers of Washington. He launched the Radley Muller Photography studio in 2000. Clients benefit from Muller’s expertise and his professional style. For those looking to immortalize the special moments in their lives or obtain high-quality professional photo and video content for real estate listings or short-term rentals, Muller is the name to know. With a refined eye, he brings the perfect professional skill set and equipment, whether in-studio or on-location.

What inspired you to establish Radley Muller Photography and offer real estate photography and videography? 

With 34 years of experience in a vast majority of photography areas, I feel that architecture and real estate photography is such a specialized niche that I have come to love and appreciate. It pushes me to tell the story of what the architects, builders, and interior designers had in mind for each project. Most of my clients have come to trust the process and allow me the freedom to “do what I do best” and turn me loose on their projects – headphones, music on, and go. With regard to the videography part, I admit that I am not the best at this point, so I happily bring in a very skilled videographer, Film With Coop out of Seattle, to collaborate on my projects. This teamwork results in beautiful projects for our clients.

By Radley Muller Photography

Could you share more about your real estate photography and videography services and the processes involved in each? 

When I first started in real estate and architectural photography, I got in my own way and psyched myself out with some of the massive projects that I was hired to do. Now, I approach each project one room at a time or one shot at a time. I walk through each project and ask the client questions about what they would like to highlight (or hide) and get a feel for the flow of how I would like to photograph so that it feels natural. On a project for an architect that I had not worked with before, he was initially hovering to see exactly what I was doing, like my angles and my views … but after showing him a few shots I had taken, he and the owner grabbed some coffee and went outside. I didn’t see them again until I was done and packing up. The architect told me he felt very relieved that I was intuitive about what he wanted to see and that I was using the best professional equipment available.

By Radley Muller Photography

Why should someone opt for professional photography and videography services when selling a home?

I work with a client now who would use his phone to take a home’s photos. I asked him why, and he said, “Well, they are good enough for me.”  My reply was, “But, are they good enough for your clients?” He is now a consistent client of all my services. When talking to potential clients who are on the edge of investing in photography for their projects, homes, or businesses, I remind them that most people shop with their eyes first, and you have very little time to grab their attention. Why skimp on first impressions that may turn into profitable relationships?

By Radley Muller Photography

What are the key advantages of working with Radley Muller Photography?

I am not a national company that outsources the photography to just any photographer that has agreed to their terms and conditions just to make a quick buck. I am based out of Bellingham but travel the world getting to do what I love to do. Some of my frequent and favorite places to work, other than the Bellingham area, are Suncadia, Tumble Creek, Semiahmoo, and Seattle. I go where the beautiful projects are. My clientele gets to know me, trust me, and know that I am there for them.