Incredible Artists’ Homes to Visit

Numerous world-famous artists have preserved the homes where they created several of their masterpieces. From the French countryside to the coast of Spain, visitors have the chance to see the gorgeous homes where these famed artists lived. Check out the full list below!

Claude Monet’s Home - Giverny, France

Monet, who lived in this Normandy village for 40 years, resided in this charming home that inspired many of his now-famous masterpieces.


Surrounded by a Japanese bridge, waterlilies, and weeping willows, visitors can now see many of the real-life subjects of his artwork.


Inside, the rooms have been restored to their 19th century condition. His bedrooms and studios are open for viewing, complete with reproductions of his paintings.


Passionate about gardening, he created the Clos Normand, where he transferred his knowledge about light and color from painting into his garden.


The best time to visit the Gardens is in the Spring! Giverny is located 75km outside of Paris and an excellent day trip from the city by train.


Opening hours are 9:30am to 6:00pm.

Salvador Dali’s Home - Portlligat, Spain

Salvador Dali, famed for creating thousands of artworks, directing films, and even writing books, resided in a quirky, small abode in Port Lligat on the Costa Brava.


Similar to himself, Dali’s home was a combination of flambouyancy and eccentricity. In 1930, Dali purchased a small fisherman’s hut where he and his wife Gala lived for more than 40 years.


After adding a second story and purchasing six adjacent cottages, the property spread into the full home that can be viewed today.


Visitors can see personal photos on display with stars from Coco Chanel to Walt Disney.


Reservations to see Dali’s magnificent home must be made in advance.

Donald Judd’s Home - New York, NY

Donald Judd, best known for his work in minimalism, originally conceived of his NYC-based home as an art studio but soon changed it to function as a living space and gallery for his work as well as others.


Not wanting to interrupt the clean lines of the glass facade, he incorporated his bathrooms, kitchens, and library into the northeast corner of each floor.


Advanced reservations for guests are required, but visitors can choose from a range of activities like drawing sessions and free artists visits.

Frida Kahlo’s Home - Coyoacan, Mexico

Frida Kahlo’s home, also known as “Casa Azul,” showcases Kahlo’s artwork throughout the home while portraits of Lenin and Mao hang over her bed and her clothes hang in the wardrobe.


Located in one of the oldest and most beautiful neighborhoods in Mexico City, The Blue House was the place where she was born and ultimately died.


Turned into a museum in 1958, it’s now one of the most popular museums in the city.


While it preserves some of her most treasured objects, it also features some of her most important works like Long Live Life (1954) and Frida and the Caesarian Operation (1931).


The museum is open from Tuesday – Sunday with visiting times varying. Guided visits are held in the patio and gardens, with a focus on different areas of Casa Azul.