Top 6 Kitchen Design Trends to Look Out For in 2024

Murat Demircan

The kitchen, often considered the heart of a home, has witnessed evolving design trends. Let’s take a look at some of the anticipated 2024 kitchen design trends, as highlighted by experts.

Brighter Colors

Kitchens adorned with bright, vibrant colors, instead of neutral tones, are expected to become more common in 2024. People are opting to infuse personality into their kitchens, making these rooms truly feel special. Making a statement is more achievable with splashy colors than with understated tones such as whites, beiges, or grays.

Murat Demircan

Softer Kitchen Islands

For decades, kitchen islands have featured sharp corners that would hurt upon impact. In the coming year, we can anticipate a rise in kitchen islands with rounder, softer corners. Some experts believe rounder kitchen islands help soften the room’s aesthetic, creating a more inviting atmosphere. As an added bonus, the curvier design adds a safety benefit, particularly for children who are more active and elderly people with more limited mobility.

Al Lambe

Custom Cabinets For Appliances

Blenders, rice cookers, toasters, and waffle irons are just a few of the many common kitchen appliances. Cluttering countertops with these tools or placing them in lower cabinets, which can be harder to access, has become a prevalent habit. However, this is projected to change in 2024. 

Cabinets uniquely designed to store appliances free up space, alleviate the stress of navigating the kitchen, and spare people from having to rummage through large lower cabinets to find the appliances they’re looking for. 

Sidekix Media

Coffee Corners

Professional designers confirm that coffee corners are an on-the-rise kitchen trend, making mornings significantly easier. These dedicated spaces ensure that everything you need is in one place, eliminating the need to go back and forth throughout the kitchen for sugar, cups, and other essentials. This not only affords convenience but also facilitates a quicker and smoother start to the day. 

Sidekix Media

Textured Tiles

In an era where individuals aim to bring more personality into their kitchens, textured tiles emerge as a sure trend for 2024 kitchen design. These tiles are meant to impart warmth, style, and a welcoming ambiance. Also, many textured tiles complement the brighter colors that people are increasingly embracing in their kitchen design choices. 

Sidekix Media

Toned, Supplementary Lighting

Kitchen lighting has traditionally been very bright, but this comes with downsides such as excessive glare. Design experts note that subtle lighting is a kitchen trend to anticipate for the upcoming year. Many are finding that toned-down lighting not only creates a calming ambiance but also offers great aesthetic appeal without sacrificing visibility. 

Clay Elliot