Six Smart-Home Trends for the Modern Homeowner

Mahrous Houses

The ascent of innovative home technology has sparked a fascination with smart homes, as technological advancements woven into our living spaces amplify comfort and convenience. Let’s explore six smart-home trends defining the industry that modern homeowners should be aware of.

Smart Security Systems

Smart-home technology allows people to implement safer and more secure systems, enhancing their comfort while protecting their homes and loved ones. For example, homeowners can monitor doorbells with video cameras through their cell phones, and some systems allow owners to control locks, contact authorities, and activate alarms through a companion app.

Sebastian Scholz (Nuki)

Embedded Health Technology

In recent years, individuals have grown increasingly vigilant when it comes to health and safety. Innovative technology can assist homeowners who want to stay safe from potential health hazards. Homeowners can integrate health tech features that allow them to check the body temperature of guests via doorbell thermal cameras or spot potential air quality risks through smart thermostats. Also, scales that can analyze blood pressure and posture are among the popular smart home technologies available.

Energy-Saving Features

A growing number of homeowners emphasize the importance of conserving energy, driven by both financial considerations and environmental concerns. Smart home tech allows owners to conserve energy in several ways. Smart window treatments help maximize heat retention by raising and lowering shades or blinds according to the sun’s location. And smart thermostats allow homeowners to efficiently adjust indoor temperatures even when they’re away, effectively eliminating energy-draining oversights.  

Sean D

Voice Assistants

Numerous companies have poured substantial resources into voice assistants, from Siri to Alexa. While these features are useful on smartphones, their potential truly flourishes in the context of smart homes. Many homes come with fully integrated smart hubs, which serve as central control applications for various household features. These hubs, controlled through voice commands, offer a game-changing experience. For instance, rather than getting up to turn off the lights, owners can simply issue a vocal order and save themselves the effort.

Bence Boros

Multi-Purpose Smart Lighting

Smart lighting stands as a fundamental smart-home feature that buyers eagerly seek. This technology has experienced significant expansion, allowing owners to accomplish more than just turn lights on and off with their phone or voice assistant. New smart technology empowers people to create the perfect home atmosphere with altered lighting textures or lights synchronized to music. Owners can program lighting to a specific schedule, which can create the illusion of an occupied home for enhanced security even in their absence. You can even program lights to dim automatically when the TV turns on.

Nubelson Fernandes

An Integrated Kitchen

Home technology revolves around seamless integration and connectivity. Extending this cohesion to your kitchen can significantly elevate the cooking experience. Innovative smart kitchen technologies, many of which conveniently pair with voice assistants, allow for easier control and better overall connection. App-controlled appliances offer owners the peace of mind to step away briefly, knowing that their meals won’t be ruined. And refrigerators equipped with interior webcams guarantee more streamlined shopping trips, minimizing the chances of forgetting anything essential. 

Sidekix Media